usastrong.IO Press

Action and Ambition Podcast

Action and Ambition Podcast

Listen to Action and Ambition Podcast on "Krissy Mashinsky Builds The First Online Marketplace To Verify, Curate, and Sell USA-Made Products" here.

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Haute Living Talks Changing the eCommerce Industry with USA Strong

Haute Living Talks Changing the eCommerce Industry with USA Strong

Haute Living thinks USA Strong is changing the industry.With the e-commerce giants such as Amazon and eBay running the show, it’s easy to think their success is hard to reach. But with scandals involving poor work ethics and practices, there is definitely a place for someone more trustworthy to take over.

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Influencive Considers USA Strong the Alternative to Amazon

Influencive Considers USA Strong the Alternative to Amazon

Are 30 years of eCommerce experience enough to defeat Amazon? Influencive talks about and considers USA Strong and its founder as a solution.

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Krissy Mashinsky: Amazon’s made-up Christmas is over. What does it mean for small businesses?

Krissy Mashinsky: Amazon’s made-up Christmas is over. What does it mean for small businesses?

Lack of transparency has put Amazon in the spotlight, with entrepreneurs like Krissy Mashinsky choosing to take action by creating platforms like USA Strong.

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eCommerce Is Changing: Krissy Mashinsky Wants to Make Sure It’s for the Better

eCommerce Is Changing: Krissy Mashinsky Wants to Make Sure It’s for the Better

Read the whole article here.

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The Retail Industry Has a Transparency Problem: Krissy Mashinsky Is Using Blockchain to Fix It

The Retail Industry Has a Transparency Problem: Krissy Mashinsky Is Using Blockchain to Fix It

Blockchain technology has found itself fulfilling important roles across diverse industries over the past years due to the multiple benefits it brings to the table. While blockchain's scalability, security, and reliability have been a major driver behind this success, transparency is probably the most important. Now, as the retail industry faces increasing challenges when it comes to counterfeiting and poor manufacturing practices, blockchain is offering a solution.

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Krissy Mashinsky: The Entrepreneur Bringing Transparency to the E-commerce Industry

Krissy Mashinsky: The Entrepreneur Bringing Transparency to the E-commerce Industry

The advent of the internet in the 80s changed how we live forever, making it easier than ever to connect with people and services around the world. However, few would have imagined that a small website by the name of Amazon launched in 1994 to sell books would eventually become one of the biggest monopolies the world has ever seen. Today, it is difficult to imagine a world without Amazon despite all the controversy surrounding it. However, this hasn’t stopped entrepreneurs and visionaries like Krissy Mashinsky from offering a better way to buy and sell online.

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Meet Krissy Mashinsky: The Female Entrepreneur Taking On Amazon

Meet Krissy Mashinsky: The Female Entrepreneur Taking On Amazon

Read the whole article here.

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